Are we thinking less and scrolling more?

Are we thinking less and scrolling more?

Convenience meets complacency


4 min read

You know, sometimes we rely on AI too much. If you really think about it, can you honestly say you’ve never overused AI in your thinking? In some way, we’re all guilty of outsourcing parts of our thought processes to these models. That’s not necessarily bad all the time, but there’s a fine line where it turns into mental laziness, and that can be harmful. Let’s talk about it.

Taking myself as an example. Most of the time during lectures, I find myself reaching for my phone. Now, you might think it’s because I want to scroll through social media, and sure, sometimes that’s true, but most of the time, I’m opening ChatGPT or Claude to help me with a concept I’m struggling to understand. By just looking at it, that doesn’t seem like a bad thing, right? But if I’m being honest with myself, I have to wonder if I’m truly learning. Am I actually challenging my brain, or just taking shortcuts?

And it’s not just in class. When I’m given takeaway assignments or homework, how often have I used AI to do a significant part of the task? Way too often. And here’s the thing: most times I don’t even double-check what I get as output. I just take it at face value. But these models aren’t perfect; they hallucinate and make mistakes. And the problem is that I let them do the major part of the work.

There’s actually a scientific explanation for this. According to the law of least mental effort, our brains are hardwired to conserve energy by avoiding tasks that require more effort than necessary. When faced with a challenging task, lecture, or assignment, it’s no surprise that I instinctively reach for the most ‘efficient’ tool at my disposal, lA. The same principle applies to physical tasks: we naturally seek the path of least resistance. However, in the context of learning and thinking, this habit might hold us back a bit.

And it’s not just about effort. Emotions also play a huge role in how we approach tasks. Whether we realize it or not, many of our decisions are driven by how we feel, even when we think we’re being logical. For instance, when I was writing this blog, I felt the urge to ask an AI model to suggest ideas. But I stopped myself. I wanted to let my thoughts flow naturally or, if needed, do proper research. Because if I don’t practice thinking on my own, I fear it’ll become harder to resist the temptation to outsource my ideas entirely.

It’s important to consider the balance when it comes to relying on AI. While these tools offer incredible advantages, saving us time, providing valuable insights, and making tasks easier, there are some downsides that we shouldn't overlook. Just think about a future where people might find it challenging to think critically, solve problems, or come up with original ideas because they’ve gotten used to letting AI handle the tough stuff.

At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge that AI isn’t inherently bad. It’s just a tool, and the real issue lies in how we use it. That’s why it’s crucial to reflect on our habits. When you’re tempted to lean on AI, ask yourself, "Do I really need it for this?” Maybe you don’t. Maybe the best thing you can do is sit with the problem, let your brain work through it, and figure it out the hard way. Yes, it might take more effort, but that’s the whole point.

Because the thing is, AI isn’t the problem; we are. If we keep relying on it for everything, we risk losing what makes us human: our ability to think, create, and most importantly, grow. That’s not a future anyone wants.

So, what’s the takeaway? Use AI, but don’t let it use you. What I mean is, stay curious, challenge yourself, and don’t shy away from doing the hard things. After all, the struggle to think and learn is what makes the rewards so much more satisfying. And if we can strike the right balance, we can harness AI’s power without losing touch with our humanity.

Let’s not let AI replace our brains; let’s use it to make them stronger.